Here is the Fleet Street statue of Dr Johnson and also the statue of his cat, Hodge, in Gough Square.
THE NAKED APE GETS DRESSED. For those who strive for better things and who understand, as did Ben Jonson, that: "the pipe marks the point at which the orang-utan ends and man begins". - And those who understand S T Coleridge's: "While Fate tramples on things of beauty, the indignant human heart shall utter them."
Where can you find a statute of Hodge in london was the question asked of me a few years back when i was doing a course on the city of london. It took me weeks and weeks to find it in Gough Square. I found myself one evening after work roaming the back streets and alleys off Fleet Street as Dr Johnson famously recommended those who really wanted to know London and almost fell upon it; it was a glorious moment of discovery for me; of course it is opposite Dr Johnson's old house; now a museum; I was alone in the empty dark square and shouted out I have found it! I have found it! I was 48 years old and as happy as could be. As happy as could be.